” …as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
– Marianne Williamson
I share in the belief that we are all connected and inspire each other to be better. Being kind to others, helping when you are able and sharing with others are actions, we can all partake in. Whether it is volunteering time at the local school, participating in a charitable project, bringing dinner to a family going through a hard patch, compassionately listening without judgement to a friend who needs to empty their heart, rescuing a dog in traffic or leaving money at Starbucks for the local Emergency Service members; I embrace these acts of service.
I share these with you in the hope of inspiring the ripple effect.
Acts of Kindness
” …make the connections.”
One of my favorite client design stories has multiple chapters. It started with a kitchen, which led to a family member referral for another project. This new kitchen was for a contractor’s home which developed into a working friendship and many more projects. After several years, he decided to follow his lifelong passion and serve his church.
Sometime later, he showed up at my desk with a sparkle in his eye, "I have a project! Our church is partnering to create an interim foster home that will serve as a bridge for children who are entering the foster system to have a soft landing before being placed with an appropriate foster family. It needs a kitchen."
Firmly, I believe that you can tune into the God whispers of life. What I heard was... "Make the connections..." Not yet knowing the name of the center I replied, "Ok, let's start with the design of this kitchen and see what else we can do..."
Upon learning more about the purpose of the center, it created an excitement amongst many of the people in the industry that I chatted with about it. Contributed goods and services totaled about $30K to assist in remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms of the Bridge Receiving Center in Lake Stevens, WA.
It is heartwarming to see their success growing as they are taking special care of these amazing children in this space!
Build a Bridge

” …we get accustomed to a problem... conditioned to the work around...Initiating change...recondition our sense of normal.”
– Charlene Mathew
Rolling out the yoga mat today my intention is for clarity of change. Often, I tell my clients that we get accustomed to a problem and the work around that we create to endure the problem. It may even be hard for us at first to recognize the problem because we are so conditioned to the work around. Separating and discernment of truth are key here.
Initiating change can feel consuming when trying to establish where to begin and what the journey will entail. But all we must focus on is the next best step. We may take some steps that are smaller than others or larger strides at other times. Our pace for this change may fluctuate as we journey. We may experience an uncomfortableness as we begin these steps. We may need to sit with these steps as the uneasiness becomes effortless as we recondition our sense of normal.
Trust your inner being and your body to be your guide to your true path. Honor yourself and what you need. It is ok if today you need more or less than you did yesterday or even five minutes ago.
We may step off the path, we may take a step back to redirect ourselves to our path. We may have to revert to child’s pose and regain our center to have our strength reenergized to continue. Honor what you need in that moment. Give yourself grace to feel it all.
Let your path be your path. Do not concern yourself with the path of others. This is your journey to be initiated, honored and followed by you. Your tribe will reveal themselves to you. Settle into the earth and feel the support of the entire universe and your tribe at your back honoring your pace for this change.